User Guide for Duck


Duck is a highly-intelligent bot that would be able to help to track your day-to-day tasks and record important events in your life. While these daily tasks might sometimes seem too trivial and become a hassle to note down, they are usually the ones that you tend to forget. After all, you never know when these tasks could snowball into something significant. A stitch in time saves nine!


  1. Adding tasks:
    1. todo
    2. deadline
    3. event
  2. Other task list operations
    1. list
    2. find
    3. done
    4. delete
    5. clear
  3. Dealing with duplicates.
    1. duplicates
    2. remove duplicates
  4. Other operations:
    1. help
    2. bye

Details of features

Adding tasks:


Adds a todo task to the tasks list.

Usage: “todo (task)”

Example: “todo homework”

Expected result: "print"


Adds a task with a specified deadline to the tasks list.

Usage: “deadline (task) by / (deadline in MM-DD-YYYY hhmm format) “

Example: “deadline homework /by 2014-12-25 1630”

Expected result: "print"


Adds a task with a specified event time to the tasks list.

Usage: “event (task) at / (deadline in MM-DD-YYYY hhmm format) “

Example: “event hackathon /at 2014-12-25 1630”

Expected result: "print"

Other task list operations:


Prints out the list of tasks you told Duck.

Usage: “list”

Example: “list”

Expected result: "print"


Finds all tasks with the keyword provided by user.

Usage: “find”

Example: “find homework”

Expected result: "print"


Marks a task as done in the tasks list.

Usage: “done (task number)”

Example: “done 2”

Expected result: "print"


Deletes a task from the tasks list.

Usage: “delete (task number)”

Example: “delete 2”

Expected result: "print"


Clears the task list.

Usage: “clear please”

Example: “clear please”

Expected result: "print"

Dealing with duplicates:


Fetches all duplicated tasks in the list.

Usage: “duplicates”

Example: “duplicates”

Expected result: "print"

3b.Remove duplicates

Removes all duplicated tasks except the first copy.

Usage: “remove duplicates”

Example: “remove duplicates”

Expected result: "print"

Other Duck operations:


Prints out a list of commands Duck understand.

Usage: “help”

Example: “help”

Expected result: "help"


Exits duck application.

Usage: “bye”

Example: “bye”

Expected result: Duck application closed.